July 1, 2016 — Happy July 4th to all, and to all kinds of Americans. Me? Like most people who live in Los Angeles, I get that question “where are you from?” My answer is[…]
Chords in an Order That is New
June 26, 2016 — It’s a quiet week, ironically given the global political turmoil what with “Brexit”, the vote of Britain to leave the EU, which I still can’t seem to read enough to truly[…]
A Week of Law, Even for Rock Stars
June 19, 2016 – So I’m up to my ears in work, up to my ears in those pesky little things called life decisions. In those times, I do little else, but work. Well, that[…]
AC/DC … with a Standing Axl
June 9, 2009 — Not that I’m the first to write this, but Axl Rose is everywhere. He made his come-back from Dave Grohl’s throne-chair, but now, he’s standing and walking. I particularly like the[…]
Memorial Memories
My mom had this story she would tell about how she went to sleep one Friday night and slept all the way until Sunday – missed a whole Saturday. As she told it, she was[…]
Humble Beginnings
Where do we start? Sure, some people have it all figured out and all buttoned up by the time they reach my age, but me? I always seem to be starting over. I think it’s[…]
The Show Must Go On
We think we are influenced by those we look up to, those we idolize, but we learn from everyone, even those we don’t like, those we don’t know. The lesson this week, for me? To[…]
New Music in the Car
So much for me this week, and by so much I mean so much … time in the car. Time in the car is a good thing and a bad thing. The bad is obvious.[…]
East Becomes West
May 1, 2016 – In August 2013, with the help of my very good friends who make this site what it is, I started this site for two reasons: to tell my stories and musings[…]
Prince — Dies at Age 57
Apr 21, 2016 – There are tons of these lately. Most have been people I respect, but not people I actually grew up with. This one was such an influence (think dance and guitar mixed)[…]