Even Mick Makes Mistakes

August 14, 2016 – Ah, the dreaded M-word. We all make them. Without getting too deep this week … because I can barely think let alone write right now, I think that’s the theme this week. Mistakes we make. Some are just little mistakes, like this morning when I filled up the bathtub twice. See I start with hot, then add cold, but I added too much cold, so much the tub about filled over its top. Then I opened the drain to let some water out, and accidentally forgot to go check, and all the water drained. So then, I had to do the tub filling all over again. Waste water, much? Or there was my brother’s trip yesterday to Sears to get a tool he needed. He got it. It was too small. He hopped in the car to return it, got all the way to Sears and forgot his wallet (needed because the return was going to be on a credit card). He went home, got his wallet, went back to Sears, but they didn’t have that correct size of the tool (that’s Sears these days mind you). I was with my brother via telephone-spirit on some of these calls, and hearing his growing frustration, told him to work on the car tomorrow. “If you keep going you’re gonna break something”, I said, “and that’s worse.” Those are one kind of mistakes, but then there are others, others that are fundamental, sometimes even out of our control. Those are the ones that change everything forever.

Right now I’m finding comfort in knowing even the greats make mistakes. What mistake? This!

This is in my opinion probably the worst song ever done. Now I know this is a challenge, but get to the end just to hear Mick, the greatest ever, say “hard like geometry, trigonometry.” What the … ? Is that really a lyric? So if Mick, the greatest ever, can actually put this heap of a mistake out there, then it gives me hope that I’m going to be okay.

And in case you’re about to throw something at me because your ears are hurt, watch j’s Friday funny from last week. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen — a keeper, something to play when those huge mistakes are making you … need a laugh.