Wish I Was There

September 22, 2019 – Two days ago while on my way to downtown, I saw an advertisement on the fancy billboard at Hollywood and Highland (that’s a shopping center at the intersection of, you guessed it, Hollywood and Highland Boulevards) advertising a show. It said Guns N Roses, September 21, Hollywood Palladium. That’s a small venue, not the strip, but probably about as close to that environment as possible.

Yesterday, I searched for tickets. They were available, high $200s for general admissions. I’m still not in the place I can do any concerts, but that one would have been great.

I’m not sure Axl is at his strongest here, but I do think the performance comes across as a club show, so Axl’s issues don’t bother me. I wish I was there, although I wouldn’t have my phone up like the crowd has in all of these shots; no, I would have been studying Slash’s playing. I do wonder who the woman at stage left is, the one with the hair color. Hey? I wanna be in Guns N Roses! Definitely, I was I was there!

Then, there’s Lana’s show at Jones Beach. That was yesterday too. On her last record, she had a collaboration with Sean Lennon, and YouTube’s present for me today was this clip – Lana joined by a very John-looking Sean for that song. Oh and Sean is playing my acoustic choice – a Guild. Lana looks deservedly happy. She’s playing the Hollywood Bowl next month, and tickets to that show are selling for quite high prices. It makes me happy I saw Lana when I did, but I wish, well you know…

Lana Jones Beach performance with Sean Lennon

And one more, just because I need Slash playing a Les Paul. But… Axl’s face? What is going one there? Make-up? Highlighter? Or is that really his skin? Okay, well I needed something to make me stop wishing I was there!