The Rose Rebellion

May 3, 2020 – That sounds like a real thing, but really it’s a reference to the yard work I’ve been doing. The front yard, which is my major yard because my house sits all the way at the end of the lot, is finally at a state of done. I have tilled the grass areas to get rid of the ruts my dogs ran into the soil. I took out a left-over tree’s root on the side yard, a garden on the street-side of my house, and planted some flower things that are supposed to be ground cover. In that task, I made a huge pile of extra dirt. Yesterday, I moved that dirt around to low areas in the grass part of the front yard. And throughout the day, I watched as my rose bushes (I have two) developed really amazing roses. I credit the sprinklers, which my brother fixed when he was here. And while I’m super ready for the world to get back to normal, I am using the time I have to fix my yard (I love a pretty yard) and to change things. The change is significant — my own personal rebellion.

Yesterday, I took a bit of a break in the “land-hauling” to read a chapter out of my book. I might write about the book; I do think it will influence me, but the point now is that sitting down to read is something I rarely take the time to do now, but it’s something that used to literally define me. I used to love reading, but I lost it years ago to what the world turned me into, to the fear that if I don’t give every waking hour to other people, something bad will happen. I’m changing that. I’m trying to do something for my own development, personal or next-chapter-business, every day. And I’ve cleaned most everything. That too used to define me. I used to have everything beautiful at all times, albeit beautiful in a home-made, Walmart-before-there-was-Walmart kind of sense. Mind you, I have a lot to go, and it does seem California will be in shut-down for a while to come, despite many, many states beginning to open up. My thoughts on that are that it’s too long; I watch the actual California people in rebellion wishing I could join in, but it is going to go longer, and since it is going to go longer, I want to make the most of it.

Someone else who’s doing that? The Rolling Stones. I wonder what a group of people who were around for the beginning of rock music think about being around for the end of society? But it seems they are willing to contribute. Today begins the first in a six-week series of YouTube content from The Stones featuring rare clips from old (or older) Stones concerts. This first episode begins today at 8PM BST — 3PM EDT – 12PM PDT, and then continues on successive Sundays at that time. The link is below. I’ll be sure to turn this on while I get something done today.

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In late April, they released a new song. It was for their upcoming album; that new-album rumor is more than one year old, but apparently Mick called Keith and Keith called Mick, both thinking a song they recorded in the studio in early 2019 talking about a ghost town would be appropriate for release now. Mick re-worked the lyrics a bit, and here it is. Personally, I think it has an Emotional Rescue vibe.

In response to my question about when the actual album will be released, Mick said to the music press (which he knew would get to me, of course) that he wants the new record to be great, not just good. Okay, Mick I’ll take that answer. Personally, I am ready for great. I really hope it is that: great. I’m looking forward to it.

Speaking of great, how about my rose flowers? Two roses and it’s an entire bouquet, they are so big. I’m not sure when my rose bushes will make new flowers, or if they will, but I’m taking these current ones as a symbol of things to come in this rebellion in my life, that what follows will be big, huge even, and beautiful. And as Mick says, great!

Bring on The Rose Rebellion!

Link to The Rolling Stones’ performance series: