Stay Well, Everyone

March 11, 2020 — I’m not normally one to worry about these sicknesses. I usually leave that to my brother, and incidentally, he already has bought masks for he and his son that look like a respirator. He’s prepared, but as much as I don’t really go all worry-mode about these things, I have to say this one has me worried. Perhaps it’s the 3,000+ stock market drop. Perhaps it’s living in Los Angeles. Perhaps it’s people I know cancelling pre-planned trips overseas. Or perhaps it’s Lana Del Rey.

Lana was supposed to do a tour of Europe, but this week announced that she has some ailment that is making her lose her voice. She said her doctor is telling her to rest her voice for up to four weeks. So… no tour. But I have to wonder if she’s just covering for cancelling because of Coronavirus. Perhaps?

Whatever it is, I hope she gets well, if there is something wrong with her voice, that is. In the meantime, it’s good to see her out an about in her cute Chevy pick-up. This is a video of her going to a church service. My spying on sites says she has gone before to this church called Hillside, apparently a mega church. Someone in the comments section of one of these stories said they can’t picture a person who drives a pick-up and goes to church writing the kind of music that Lana writes, but I don’t know. I think it’s just her being real. I’d love to have a pick-up. And every time I’m in Dallas I think about going to their version of the biggest mega-church I know of; they are entertaining; I just never seem to have the time. Somehow though, I’m willing to bet Lana cancelled her tour over Coronavirus fears. So to everyone stay well.

And taking the pick-up truck/church theme a bit farther, perhaps Lana is going a bit country. I have to say, I’ve really enjoyed playing my Taylor Swift songs. I even played one during my lesson yesterday too. And honestly, I’m even missing my country radio from not having a car radio. Instead, I’ve listened to my Taylor songs on the phone, air strumming while singing as a way to get more practice in. but I am not at all up on what’s playing on the radio at all. Not even on the country radio. Yes, I really do think I need to get the radio installed. Until then, again, stay well.