Someone Isn’t a Star Trek Fan

July 11, 2020 – Not me. No, I’m a definitely not in that category, although, honestly, the new version of the movies aren’t my favorite. Those movies have temporal anomalies that Spock could have fixed just by flying around the sun. And then there’s Borg tunnels. You could use those too to fix temporal anomalies, so while watching the new movies, I’m always saying aloud, but, but….

Sure, most everyone loves Spock and Captain Kirk, the early Star Trek run. The original has a lot of fans and broad-ranging appeal. I do think, though, that not everyone is a fan of the later series. They should be though because, personally, I thought Captain Picard was a convincing captain, probably more so than Captain Kirk. And I really did like Captain Janeway. She was convincing too. Both were brave. Both had really cool enemies. I liked Q. I really liked the Borg. Those were cool enemies. Mind you, there were characters in the support roles I didn’t like as well as the original series support characters, but I loved the captains in The Next Generation and in Voyager. And I loved Seven of Nine. For whatever reason. So much so, that was the name I gave my wanna-be horse from last summer, the Mustang I saw on that trip to the town near San Diego to torture myself by looking at Mustangs I couldn’t actually have.

For parts of the past two weeks my brother was here. We were doing more land clearing and working on that car that needs to get sold. He plans to come back in August, so hopefully, then, the car can be put up for sale. This time, he came bearing a gift: the Picard series. The series is a ten-episode run, and no I’m not going to tell you what it is about. I think some of you have seen it. I’m not sure if anyone else will want to. But you should. You should want to. You should see it. And for that matter, if you have Netflix, watch the end of Voyager too. The end of Voyager is relevant because it shows what happened to Seven of Nine. Plus, it wraps up Voyager. Honestly, I never saw it before. I guess I had stopped watching on a regular basis by the time that originally aired. It was a good ending, and that’s saying something because most of the time I don’t like series endings.

That was my brother’s planned entertainment for us – the final episode of Voyager and the Picard series. We watched it at various times throughout the week or so that my brother was here. It was my brother’s second watch, and no matter how many questions I asked, he wouldn’t tell me what was about to happen. Well except Seven of Nine. He’s knows she’s my favorite, so he made me stay up and watch two episodes in a row (even though I was really tired after the first one) just to see her appearance in the next episode. And I have to say, it’s really great that a woman in her 50s still gets to be a part of Star Trek, and a really cool, kick-ass, beautiful character at that.

It was a fun watch. Every time it made sense to say the Captain Picard lines, like engage or make it so, they gave a little space just long enough so that the person watching had enough time to say it before the character said the line. That was fun. Yes, of course, I did that. Every time. And without spoiling the actual plot, I will tell you one other thing. The ship that Picard travels on in the new series of his name is Frankenstriped. Why, I do not know. They don’t explain the origins of the ship. It’s not Federation. We don’t know where it came from. Or why it was built. But whoever built it was probably a classic rock fan, a Van Halen fan. Personally, I think that could be a cool story line in the second season – the story of why the ship looks Van Halenized. Perhaps the ship’s builder went back in time to a Van Halen concert. Perhaps it’s just some wild coincidence.

My first thought was that Eddie Van Halen can’t be a Star Trek fan because otherwise he would have noticed the ship’s coloration and done some legal thing about it. But seeing as I didn’t find anything about that, maybe just maybe, somehow Eddie Van Halen will feature in the story line of the ship. Seriously? How cool would that be? An official Star Trek story line where Eddie Van Halen is included. I’ll be eagerly awaiting Season 2 just to see.

Oh and music? I haven’t done anything on that front, no practice, no lessons; I’ve barely even listened to the radio. So I have no inspiration for you. Other than Van Halen. So I guess I’ll go with that.


Fan made video – credit on YouTube (thanks)