Podcast Cool

June 1, 2019 – If I had to guess what rockers would do in their golden years, I would never have guessed there would be this flocking to podcasts that’s seemingly going on now. I can just picture them in their youth not particularly liking journalists, and well, podcasting seems like journalism. David Lee Roth has his, although I have to admit, I’m not so much a fan of his latest EDM-festival obsession in his discussions. It could be that I’ve had enough of the EDM crowd and their self-styled coolness for the rest of my life. If I could give a warning to David Lee Roth about that world it would be that – they are obsessed with cool, and that gets so old. That aside, however, David’s Lee Roth’s podcast are getting much better. And it seems he’s starting a trend. Two new rockers, actually neither of whom I can see wanting to podcast (perpetuating the new cool thing of using a noun as a verb), have joined the fray.

Robert Plant announced he will start a podcast series to be called Digging Deep. From listening to the trailer, the podcast will feature Robert’s take on songs, Led Zeppelin and otherwise, probably songs that inspired him. I sort of like it because for all the cool that is Robert Plant, he uses the same words he has always used. That’s just out of sight, I mean cool.

Then there’s David Gilmore. The promo for his podcast series seems to describe the podcast as Gilmore talking about his guitars, this in advance of him selling more than 120 for a charity auction. The first podcast, up now, talks about the black Stratocaster Gilmore used on most Pink Floyd albums. I have to admit, I don’t know about the black Strat; I don’t know the significance of it, so I’m not sure what my view will be on this, but I’m certain there are people who will find this to be cool.  Wherever you fall on the music spectrum, be it David Lee Roth’s new foray into the new modern version of cool — EDM festivals; David Gilmore’s guitars used on classic albums, or Robert Plant’s use of ‘60s words to describe the music that moved him, there is certainly something for one’s taste of cool in what will be a year of rocker’s doing podcasts. I don’t know if these podcasts will last, or if other rockers will join forces for even more, but it’s pretty cool to hear them talk. I’m really liking these, and look forward to the new ones.