March 29, 2020 – It appears I’m a bit late to the live-stream party, although honestly I haven’t felt much like a party in a while. If you’re into live streaming shows on your computer, honestly I don’t really know how, then there are a lot of things to watch right now. There are independent bands putting on shows. Local band are putting on shows. The dance-music guys are doing it. And there was a benefit yesterday – Steam Aid. I’m not sure what I think about that. But honestly, I’m pretty inside my own head right now. I want to do two things, play with my pets, and catch-up on things. The catching up on things part has just started, but I do so hope this time of all halt gives me the ability, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, to get rid of things that have been haunting me. Perhaps I’ll have more to say about that later. Like I said, hopefully, that will be a success. So that leaves the pets, especially since I’m in the mood to write happy today, even if I might not be happy.
While I have no parakeets anymore, and they made the number of pets greater by two, I still am blessed to have more than my fair share of pets. Five to be exact. When I drive to Texas, I constantly count them. Right now the count would be two birds, two dogs and a bunny. I don’t know why I don’t use their names on my mental roll call, but I don’t. Really seriously, I count. I’m always completely paranoid about what would happen if one got out during the drive. I always think the back door of the Rover might come open and they would fall onto the road. I check their number when I stop for gas, and again when I leave the gas station. I check when I’m driving on the on-ramp of the Interstate, even after I already checked twice at the gas station. Although, the during-drive checks are a “petting” check; I reach back and touch them, the dogs that is. Then, I suppose, what I’m checking for is their fur texture – long and fuzzy for Jasper, short and soft for Tyson. I always do it when I leave home and when I come home too. Only the count starts at the front gate because the dogs are usually waiting for me there. Two dogs. Then I come into the living room. Two birds. I have my bunny trained to come when she’s called. Sort of. Bunnies like to sleep a lot, so she’s not that responsive. But she always does come out of her under-something hiding spot by about the tenth “Pixie”. One bunny.
But right now, I don’t have to look for them. I’m not counting at all. Well, except yesterday I did it just because everyone was right there with me. And I only did it because the counting made me happy. I realized they had been following me as I washed everything for the tenth time. I literally am washing my clothes daily. I’m washing my hair daily. My hair is looking like an over-washed ratty mess too. Yesterday, it was the turn for the three blankets, the Pima cotton fancy sheets I have, and the not-so-nice winter sheets. Tons of loads of laundry, and the pets all participated. Oh and least you think my two birds couldn’t participate because they are in cages, no you’re wrong. Sasha, the parrot, talked me through the whole thing, directing the dogs as they walked by. And Birdie, the sparrow, never stopped singing, and she got a bath too. That’s the first bath I’ve seen her get. I think she could appreciate the water.
Mind you, I know the numbers of people with this terrible virus are increasing, that the numbers of people who are having serious troubles, especially in New York, are increasing, but I feel like taking a break from the awful. At least for a minute. In fact, I read an article that said we should do that, that we should take some time away from it, to try to be normal, to try to think of things we appreciate. So after really going overboard on worry, that’s what I’m suggesting now. I want us to think of things that we appreciate from this time and say them out loud, if not to me, at least to one’s self. So here are mine.
I appreciate my pets. I appreciate this really concentrated time I’m getting with them. I appreciate that I can count them. I appreciate their numbers. Two dogs, two birds and a bunny.
And I appreciate the fact that my body is learning how to sleep just a little bit later. I talked to another lawyer-friend of mine who told me last week he slept until 9:00 a.m., dragged himself out of bed he told me.
Oh and I appreciate all the people who stepped out of my life for one reason or another coming back for a moment here and there to say hi or to check on me. That’s super special.
Now, if I do figure out how to watch a live-stream, perhaps that’ll be a way I can see a concert. I mean, if I couldn’t afford them before, there’s no way now. So thanks to the artists who are doing that. Hum, perhaps they can put their pets in them too. Yes, I would like that. Although I have this rather silly thought. I’m pretty sure I’d have more pets than any of the artists. Or at least more that want to stay constantly around me. Even a former wild animal who wants to stay constantly around me. And that, that little thing, that unconditional love-times five, yes, I really am grateful for that.
I dedicate this story to Jasper. You’re a kick-ass, cuddly, wonderful dog with no structural integrity. Not that that last thing makes any sense to anyone.
I need a song. Oh I know. Here’s one. I’ll just change the name of this to match Japser’s color ….
And not a “live” stream, but a stream. This is our very own Beanie doing a song. He posted this on the last story, but I wanted to feature it. I hope it’s okay with him. Indeed, Beanie, imagine….
How special it is that I know each of you. And Beanie, Bravo! Plus, your smile at the end is priceless! XOXO