Shot in the Dark

October 18, 2020 — I’m still in my poetry mood. No, I’m not going with a poem for this story. In fact this isn’t really going to be a normal story. I suppose I just[…]

To Eddie

October 11, 2020 A picture tells a thousand words not that I have ever counted, words of times, friends, loves or even wars Even if it’s not your picture, not your memories, not your time,[…]

New Mexico Bound

September 27, 2020 – Unless something comes up that makes it impossible, and believe me my life is trying to ruin it, I will be driving to Aztec, New Mexico on Thursday in a rented[…]

Someone Isn’t a Star Trek Fan

July 11, 2020 – Not me. No, I’m a definitely not in that category, although, honestly, the new version of the movies aren’t my favorite. Those movies have temporal anomalies that Spock could have fixed[…]