Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth celebrates his “something” birthday on this day. Wishing him the very best from all of us who regularly comment here.
Def Leppard Viva Hysteria Screening, Tonight 8 pm
Here’s a reminder that Def Leppard’s film capturing their Viva Hysteria residency at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas in March and April of this year has its second and last night tonight at select[…]
A Matter of Taste and Time Way down inside … sometimes our thoughts come from there. I feel like I’ve been asleep for about two weeks and just woke up. Where was I? Oh yes, before I posted the David[…]
David Lee Roth’s Facebook Post — He’s Working on New Van Halen Music
Leave it to David Lee Roth to talk on Facebook! Leaked straight from the source, he says: “Nothin’ but high reps and heavy training for the new Van Halen sessions, hell yeah, nothin’ but yeah[…]
The Roth Show — Preview
According to our scoop agent, Rev, The Roth Show, Season 2, Preview 2 has been released, with the actual episodes of The Roth Show on its way. I feel like making requests…. More[…]
Emotion — Where New Meets Old
There are these terms “old soul” and “new soul”, referencing some Eastern philosophy for how many times one has been here on some quest to be reborn and attain ultimate wisdom. I’ve heard people brag[…]
David Lee Roth on the Steve Austin Podcast
Interviews of David Lee Roth are not my favorite things because … he says whatever he wants to say and the interviewers rarely seem to get him to answer the question. In fact, in those[…]
We Remember
Marking 9/11. The Statue of Liberty on 9/11/2001 A long-ago gift of love from France with the attack site in the background, a that-day gift of love from the U.K (below). May our days from[…]
Godspeed David Bowie
Well, it’s official, the heat has melted my brain and I don’t feel like writing a story. But what to do? Hummm, how about some news? Yeah that’s it, I could write about rock[…]
My Lost Fair Warning Letter
I love to tell stories, and I’ve told many, but there is one I’ve never told. And it’s special because it’s a story I told myself. How? Two years after my mom passed, my brother[…]