SXSW 2014

South by Southwest, the annual festival in Austin, Texas, kicks off the music portion March 11, running through March 17.  I could say so much about how I’d like to be there, considering I spent[…]

This Crossover Does 185… Yesterday I heard about rapper Eminem sampling Joe Walsh’s 1978 solo record “Life’s Been Good”.  I pulled up the song, anticipating that it would be sort of a mess.  That is true, it is[…]

We All Do

Apparently, February 2014 is over-achiever’s month.  We have … the Superbowl, the Olympics, the Oscars.  Everywhere I look there are pictures, images, videos of the best.  Even the billboard at the Shell station on Ventura[…]

For Your Consideration

Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a friend, and I said these words aloud, the same words I think every day … “I love where I live”.  My friend asked why, and[…]

I Love Lyrics

This has been a week of media input.  The Grammy’s.  The Superbowl.  The commercials for the Superbowl.  There is so much that could be said about all of that, a lot of which I predicted,[…]

Happy Birthday, Eddie!

Van Halen, the band, made us all friends.  Each one of us feels a connection to this band that is strong enough to qualify as life-long influence at least in some way for each one[…]

Will 2014 Rock?

Every once in a while, it’s a little difficult to get back onto the proverbial horse, especially for me since I’m not even sure where the danged horse is.  Oh well, I suppose it’s time[…]