September 2, 2017 — You have three more days. For what, you ask? To wear white, of course. On a serious note though, the very name “Labor Day”, or for my non-American spellers “Labour Day”,[…]
Drama, Drama, Drama
August 27, 2017 — I didn’t get up at the midnight premier time to listen to the new Taylor Swift song, Look What You Made Me Do, but I did listen to the song on[…]
Don Your Crown and _____ a Gong!
August 19, 2017 — In the world of music I heard three interesting things this week. First, Slash was named guitar maker Gibson’s first global band ambassador. According to the music press what that means[…]
Then to Now
August 13, 2017 — Well, I’m back from my week off from writing, relying, again, on the radio for my inspiration. I had the radio on the classic rock channel this week, mostly, so given[…]
Build a Garage
July 30, 2017 — It’s nice when the radio DJ is a rock star, an actual one. There are many of those radio shows, but the one I listen to is Steve Jones’ show. It’s[…]
To Entertain Myself
July 22, 2017 — Sometimes we just have to, you know? Play music that’s just for ourselves. Sure, I’m not the only one on this planet who likes Lana Del Rey, but I’m sure I’m[…]
Too Much
July 16, 2016 — That was this week for me, too much everything. I saw new tv shows, heard new records, artists I didn’t know, read magazines, listened to the radio. Much of it seems[…]
The Fate of the Album
July 9, 2017 — Before my rapid-fire trips to Texas started, I heard a segment on the radio, an interview with a member of the indie band Muse about a single they were releasing. The[…]
Longest Day, Long Weekend, Long Songs
July 2, 2017 — Every year I look forward to the Summer Solstice, this year on June 21st, the longest day of the year. Why? Because I don’t sleep very well when the sun comes[…]
Do You Like Katy Perry?
June 18, 2017 – My phone had a meltdown this week. I don’t have a particularly good phone. I’m not one of those people who waits in line for the latest and greatest, and frankly,[…]