I’m Lazy

April 11, 2021 — Okay, not really lazy, but I’m not wanting to do anything, not write a story, not write anything. I think it was the weird sleep I’ve had for the past few days; I can’t sleep when I’m too cold, and now it seems I can’t sleep when the temperature is normal, but if I can’t sleep, I can’t do much of anything, certainly not write. So I’m going to blame the not sleeping because of the power failure for this Sunday’s laziness. Still, even though this isn’t a real story, I did find something fun for you all.

This is a video, not sure why or how it was made, but it’s Robert Plant and Brian Johnson talking a walk with a dog. Robert Plant really does love his dogs. Honestly, too, how about a dog who has no idea that his person is somebody super famous? I don’t know why that strikes me, but if I were famous, I would most certainly want a dog, just for that. And I’ve been saving that cover pic of Robert Plant and a semi-Jasper-look-alike dog for a long time — a Shetland Sheepdog too, and finally found a reason to use it. I have “Wales” taste in dogs, after all. Herding dogs are the best! And chihuahuas! Although that other rocker who likes dogs, David Lee Roth, once, somewhere, probably a Roth Show, made the case that chihuahuas are herding dogs too. I know mine is, but I think they … aren’t, not generally. Perhaps I have the only Shetland Chihuahua to go with my Shetland Sheepdog. Oh and yes, I’m feeling like talking about dogs because my subconscious dreamland showed me some “for sale” Sheltand Sheepdogs (Jasper’s breed) in a dream last night that were $5,500, and in the dream I said I could never have another if they are that price. What a nightmare: the thought of the Sheltie after Jasper…. No! Perhaps that was a function of how hard it has been for Jasper lately, but yesterday, she did well. She hung out in the yard with me all day, and we had fun. So… No. Jasper needs to stay around a lot longer!

I do like this video. It’s pretty. It’s a strange thing, again I’m not sure of the point of it. But what’s hilarious are the comments. Be sure to read the comments. I totally agree with each and every one of them.

Hopefully I’m not lazy next weekend. I do so need a real story.