August 19, 2017 — In the world of music I heard three interesting things this week. First, Slash was named guitar maker Gibson’s first global band ambassador. According to the music press what that means is Gibson will look to Slash’s input on product design in all price points from Gibson Custom guitars all the way down to the humble Epiphone. Details are yet to be announced, but I did find a color they are promoting, a green that will be called “Anaconda Burst” (in flame top and regular). The guitar will be a variant of the classic 1959 Les Paul, have Seymour Duncan pickups and a neck built according to Slash’s specifications. And he’s going to sign some too. I can’t find anything on the price, but somehow I doubt I’ll be able to afford it. No matter though, I’m not feeling the green, and I’m not feeling a neck redesign. But what I am feeling is a very special opportunity. “Global Ambassador”; doesn’t that sound regal? So, what better thing for Slash than … a crown. Yes, Slash should get a very special Gibson crown … perhaps with emeralds … since apparently he likes green. I could help him figure out how to fit the crown into his top hat, a good look, I say.
The second thing I found interesting was about the now absent-for-a-year Taylor Swift. Reports have it that last week she deleted her entire social media profile, her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all gone. But before you question whether she’s taking social media tips from Van Halen or David Lee Roth, never fear, reports are that she’s likely doing her mysterious disappearing act in advance of a new album. On second thought, perhaps she is taking social media tips from Van Halen or David Lee Roth. Seriously, I’ve noticed a bunch of Taylor Swift songs on country radio this week, something I haven’t heard since she became a pop queen, so I’m wondering what that means. I used to like her, country-Taylor I called her, but she lost me with the pop phase. I know, I know, she made so much money as pop-Taylor that it’s not likely she’ll return to the more organic country her music once was; still, I thought it very interesting that she went “dark”. I think it gives her an opportunity for reinvention. A dark reinvention perhaps? One part Lana Del Rey “beauty queen” style to go with her “dark” social media presence? Humm? No, I’m not going to give Taylor a crown just yet, but I an rooting for her; darkness is brave.
Then, and you gotta love a song about a queen, especially a song done by a rock icon. Yesterday one of my favorites (if not my favorite) Robert Plant released a new song The May Queen (definitely feeling that Stairway to Heaven reference, definitely feeling that title). It’s a good song, and saying something serious in this article, his vocals are really strong. But because I just have to, Robert needs a crown too! Yes, definitely, Robert needs a crown! He should be The May King!
Lastly, and while not in the news, I have to dedicate this article about crowns to my dad…
In the chemotherapy infusion center of Texas Oncology, the cancer center of Baylor Hospital, Dallas, there is an unlikely musical instrument. A gong. The gong serves one purpose, the purpose of triumph. When each cancer patient finishes his or her chemo treatment protocol in full, the patient gets to “ring” the gong. Yes, they call it “ring.” My dad will finish his sixth out of the planned six chemo treatments this week, and on his chemo day, Thursday, he will get to “ring” the gong.
Sadly, I can’t be there for this one. If I could be, I’d be all over this one. I’d have us both wearing crowns … because what better occasion for a crown then when one gets to “ring” the chemo gong, and honestly, my crowns haven’t seen the light of day in way too long. And while I’d love to have a joint crown wearing session with Robert Plant, I’m going to have my figurative crown date with my daddy because, I’d so very, very much love to don matching father-daughter crowns for my dad’s very special occasion, the gong ringing celebration.
But really, think about it. As good as this tradition is with the ringing of the gong, I’d have to change the tradition just a bit. Because for a rock ‘n’ roll girl, even one who has a penchant for crowns, it isn’t ringing a gong, … come on sing it with me… it’s
_ _ _ _ ing a gong!
To my daddy. This crown’s for you! Put on your figurative crown and bang the fucking hell out of that gong!