May 2, 2021 — I’m letting YouTube do the suggesting for me again today. I’m getting a guitar suggestion. It’s a Fender, and every day I get a new demo of the guitar. Basically, it’s an electric guitar that sounds like an acoustic, with a really strange 50s sort of name — Acoutomatic. Actually, I’m joking; it’s really Acoustosonic, which I think is still 50s-sounding, like a blender or something. I think the guitar is really nice, cute too, but it’s out of range of my budget. $2,000, or in guitar pricing, $1,999. So nope. It is folksy though. And that’s popular now. I like it. I think.
Speaking of Folksy, Taylor Swift is busy releasing her old songs. She completed her Fearless record; that was her second, so she was young then, not that she’s not still young, but a 31-year-old Taylor (her current age) does sound and sing differently than she did in 2009 (or so) when Fearless came out. The new release, called Fearless, Taylor’s Version, has some old unreleased songs. I’ve heard them, and I see why they weren’t on the record. No, I don’t hate them, and I like having new Taylor Swift songs; it’s just that they aren’t that good. What I do like are the new interpretations of the old songs. I think it’s amazing how close they sound. And I love the new videos.
I’ve always liked the song, The Best Day. It was for her mother, her family too, but especially for her fmother. So, of course, I like it. The original had a cute video. Somehow, she’s made an even cuter video. And I really can’t tell the difference in her voice, maybe a tiny, tiny bit, but she did a really good job re-doing the vocals. The reason? So that she owns her recordings seeing as this guy named Scooter Braun bought the originals.
So that’s the cute folk of this story. And this is my compare and contrast.
Taylor’s original from 2009:
Taylor’s re-recorded Taylor’s version of 2021:
I have inflicted the original song on you all before. It was once a Mother’s Day story. And since Mother’s Day is almost upon us, it seems appropriate to repeat.
Then there’s Billie Eilish. She has a new song out too. I have to admit, I do like it, and as much as the comments seem to not like Billie’s more fashionable change to blonde hair and style away from green hair and baggy clothes, I like that her sound is now a bit more folksy too. It must be the trend now. But seriously? Why do all of her videos have to have creepy things? One had a spider on her eye. This one topped that. It has a snake wrapping itself around her. I worry about it crushing her. Oh the difference in my videos!
But I do appreciate the folk aspect of Billie’s new song. And I like guitar being in pop music. So I’m liking this. And hey… perhaps the video suggestions for that guitar know I like folk guitar stuff now. But no! No new guitar!